November 16, 2014


Biography (source: Interpunk): 
The band first formed in Fredericton, New Brunswick in 1995. The line up was as follows:
Aaron Moore-Vocals Steve Dugay-Guitar Sean Campbell-Drums Dan Connell/Chris Hache-Bass
The group stayed that way for a couple years, playing a few shows here and there but never really getting anywhere in the scene.
After a five or six month break Chris was replaced with Andrew(bass) and Matt(lead guitar), this added a whole new dimension to the band and it was decided that this was the sound they were going for.
This went on for a while until Aaron left and Steve took over the job of vocals as well as rhythm guitar.
During this whole time Jon(current second guitarist) was playing in a band called Red Fish Blue. When they broke up he took a trip to England and when he returned the band tryed him out and agreed to make him the second guitarist. Steve, in turn, hung up his guitar and is now concentrating on vocals.
Current line up:
Steve Dugay-Vocals(occasional guitar) Matt Bowie-Lead Guitar/Vocals Jon Bowie-Rhythm/Lead Guitar/Vocals Sean Campbell-Drums/That's about it. Andrew Albert-Bass/Vocals

- Tough Crowd. (2001) CD
- Last Man Standing (2002) CD