May 18, 2020


Biography : 
Established in 1998 with the response to a "Band Wanted" ad posted on a Salt Lake City music store bulletin board, E.C.O. has been thriving ever since. The band has forged a powerful sound of their own through countless hours of practice and play with both local and national acts. Some of which include: MxPx, No Motiv, and The Ataris. They pride themselves on the quality and energy of their live show. Despite challenges which could have caused the break-up of the band, e.c.o has used each obstacle as a stepping stone towards becoming a stronger band. No strangers to the studio, they have one full length release entitled Life Unfair and one ep entitled Six Finger Salute to their credit with more sure to follow. They have sold over nine hundred copies so far, generating a steadily growing fan base. They are a very self-reliant band planning and managing their own tours, merchandise, and promotion. e.c.o is very passionate about what they do and feel blessed to have accomplished what they have. They know success does not come without a price, but through hard work and dedication they hope to find it. .

- Life Unfair (2000) CD


  1. Hey, I just want to ask what happened with this precious blog ? Last post 2 years ago

  2. What happened to the band?

  3. Does this blog still exist? Would be great to get more updates
