August 17, 2015

District 7

Biography (source: wikipedia)  : 
District 7 is a four-person band from Ontario, Canada that was formed in June 1999. District 7 does not really fit into any real genre perfectly; however, they do share a number of stylistic similarities with Skate punk music. Music influences and similarities include Strike Anywhere, Bigwig, Thrice, Good Riddance and Rise Against. Indeed, the band appears to be entirely against the lack of innovation genre classifications often promote. They have refused to describe their music, instead and offering that "the songs speak for themselves".

The band played 44 dates with the 2002 Warped Tour, has played three cross-Canada tours and two East Coast ventures.

District 7 disbanded in 2006. Some of the members started new projects. Tom fronts OneStarCity while Scott and Ryan formed Solid Snakes.

- We've Never Heard Of You Either (1999) TAPE
To Be Continued... (2000) CD
- East River Revolution & Tragedy (2001) CD
- Another Last Chance (2002) CD
- Monster Monster (2005) CD


  1. you guys are f***ing awesome! if you can find east river revolution & tragedy album you will, forever, my greatest hero. so many years looking for complete album of one of my favorite band. THX ALOT, YOU ROCK!!

  2. I would love to hear the tape. I never heard tragedy
